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Guitar Lessons

A friend once made the observation, with regard to poetry, that it's created to be shared, not gather dust on a shelf. I feel strongly that this applies to all the arts and is one of my primary reasons for wanting to teach.


As a performer I get to share the beauty of guitar music. As a teacher I'm able to share my knowledge and many years' experience to pass on a skill which, for each individual, is a unique experience.


Learning a few chords to accompany oneself in song is not very hard. It's a wonderful mixture of percussion and sound which can be used to great effect; however, coaxing beauty and subtlety from the instrument requires a commitment of time and patience. It's a journey one embarks on with many joyful experiences along the way and in the midst of overcoming obstacles there are any number of shining moments of lucidity and inspiration.


The key to playing well is a solid technique. This is something I emphasize from the beginning, often combining finger-style with pick work, depending on the student's desires. My background and training is classical where a strong and relaxed technique is paramount. I also teach new students to read almost from day one in the belief that being musically literate is an important part of a musician's toolkit. This all sounds very serious but although I do take it seriously I also teach children where it becomes critical to balance the hard work of learning an instrument with music that's fun to play. Consequently the curriculum I've designed consists of a mixture of easy classical pieces, music I write specifically for my students, and favorite pop songs they're eager to play. It's a combination which works so well that I rarely lose students through lack of interest.


If you'd like further information please contact me through the website.

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